Thursday 22 November 2012

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Alpacas Are So Cute

Alpaca is probably the prettiest of the family of camelids, which also includes the llama, guanaco and vicuna from South America and one-and two-humped camels from Asia and Africa. Fluffy crests, graceful neck, naive view and fun "smile" make these handsome alpaca world ungulates.

But except for the charming and whimsical look, these creatures can boast almost the most silky hair in nature (also known as alpaca), which has many uses. It was for her animals are sheared annually.

Alpacas - especially fiber that tight angora and cashmere thinner, smoother than silk, cotton is softer, warmer, goose down and knit better breathability. Also, do alpacas have very remarkable features.

Since the end of September the public celebrated the Day of the alpaca, offer to find out that you had not known about these fascinating camelids.

They are ancient

Alpacas have been domesticated by the Incas more than 6000 years ago, and they were grown for unusual coat. Thanks to the quality and characteristics of all the extraordinary alpaca fibers were used exclusively for the elite and the nobility.

They are ancient

They provide excellent hypoallergenic wool

Alpaca like a sheep, but it is warmer and does not cause itching. It has no lanolin, making it hypoallergenic and can be processed without heat or harsh chemicals.

They provide excellent hypoallergenic wool

They are fireproof

Technically, alpaca wool, refractory, to the most stringent tests of the first class has been assigned for use in the manufacture of clothing and home decor.

They are fireproof

They are waterproof

Like wool, alpaca fiber waterproof, but they can absorb moisture through the unique ability to simulate cotton during dehumidification. These properties make easier alpaca wool, but warmer than cotton in a cool and humid climate.

They are waterproof

They can be a variety of shades

Alpaca fibers are 16 tones, which are recognized in the textile industry, from white and pinkish-gray and yellow to deep brown. In addition, they can also make different combinations, which minimize the need for polluting dyeing.

They can be a variety of shades

In the world there are two types of Alpaca

There are two types of alpacas: Suri and huacaya. Suri fiber grows and form long silky braids. Wool huacaya thick and curly, like a teddy bear, which is why animals look very "wool." Huacaya much more common than Suri.

In the world there are two types of alpaca

They can interbreed

Alpacas and llamas may well breed. Their offspring is called huarizo and these animals are highly valued for the long hair.

They can interbreed

They share a "bathroom"

Alpacas share a common dunghill (fortunately, not where they graze.) Due to this tendency of some alpaca even managed to keep the house.

They share a "bathroom"

They hoot and produce sounds muffled

Buzz - the most common sound produced alpaca, which is like a musical purr. Alpacas hum when they are interested, happy, worried, bored, and afraid of something or fear. In one moment of surprise animal starts popping roar that pick up the rest of alpacas in the herd in the direction of a possible threat. During the mating season males romantic alpaca emit guttural sounds.
Posted by Unknown On 11:07 No comments


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